The Difference a Study Bible Can Make in Prison

A few months ago, our staff received a letter from prison from an individual with...
November 26, 2018

A few months ago, our staff received a letter from prison from an individual with a simple request: he wanted a study Bible.  Since I had been given some extras from someone, we put it in the mail and honestly forgot about it.

Weeks later, I received a letter that floored me.  His gratitude was overwhelming, but his perspective was convicting.

When was the last time you were this grateful for having a copy of God’s Word?

The Letter

August 6, 2018 – Monday

Dear Rocky Creek,

Man oh man oh man! Am I so thankful for you guys and gals.

I’m sitting here on the floor, in my cell, thanking God for you and your great kindness to me.

I had written you all with such hope and cautious expectation, just praying that the day would come when my #1 heart’s desire would be fulfilled…today was that day.

If you only knew the great number of churches that I had written throughout the good-long-recent-past just hoping to be heard, hoping to be helped.

And yet now as I writhe on this dirty concrete in sheer ecstasy I find my should much sobered. The dancing has stopped. The incessant sniffing, of these wonderfully new pages, as I fan them an inch away from my nose – has stopped. Rubbing the beautiful navy blue leather cover has stopped. Threatening the lives of the other inmates who were dumb enough to try and touch it when they seen me get it has stopped.

The reality of your kindness and the weight of this priceless gift in my hands has left me dumbfounded and in tears.

I now suddenly feel ashamed for having asked you to help me, a stranger, to get a study Bible.

Some random guy in jail and yet you really have decided to get involved. Wow! You have chosen to care, you have chosen to sacrifice…for me. I’m so humbled and I’m so thankful.
I want you guys to know this Bible will be cherished. This Bible will be protected. This Bible will probably be obsessed over, and without doubt, this Bible will be used.

Doing “time” just got easier, now I’m doing “lines.” Line after line, page after page.

Twenty-four-hundred and thirty-two silver-leafed pages to be exact. With an average of 50 lines a page, that’s 121,600 lines. Each line containing more power potential than all known creation. So…needless to say, I am now swimming in an ocean of heavenly Truth, and it’s all because of God’s grace and because of your goodness. Your goodness to me.

Of 12 to 15 churches I’ve written trying to get a study Bible it is YOU who are the one that has did it. Now that it’s finally came to pass, I feel quite strange. I feel good. I feel bad. I feel unworthy. I feel so thankful. I feel so happy :).

Thank you for helping me. Thank you for caring. I appreciate you.


Go Clemson – ha ha – Go Rocky Creek!!!