Phase 4 Response

Thank you so much for your overwhelming support of Phase 4. Through the vote, the...
July 28, 2020

Thank you so much for your overwhelming support of Phase 4. Through the vote, the church has spoken clearly to go forward in this direction. I am so thankful for the amount of positive and optimistic feedback I received since we first unveiled the plans. Not only did you bring support, but you also brought continued motivation to go forward in this endeavor!

The commissioned Building Team gathered today to put together a plan, and I am so thankful for such an incredible group of church members to help us steer in the right direction! Each one brought such great wisdom and insight. We are working diligently to submit final plans to receive a building permit for the renovation work. While we wait, some campus preparation is happening, and the painting work in the Fellowship Hall and lobby area will start next week. There are so many details that must be accomplished, but we have a great plan to begin!

How can you help?

I am so glad you asked! Continue to pray for wisdom and clarity. Our prayer this morning was that the Holy Spirit would prompt us to think through things to ensure we are the best stewards possible or this project. We want every single dollar, resource, employee, and square inch of the campus to be used the best.

You can also give. As mentioned, we are within striking distance of doing the entire project right now which is an incredible testimony of God’s faithfulness and your generosity. While we are going to take this project in manageable steps, we will be able to address each section as the funding is available. That’s why we are asking you to consider prayerfully if you could give over and beyond to the building fund during the month of August.

Let me preface something: some of you do not have a reasonable margin to give in times like these, and you do not need to give at this time. If your world is uncertain due to your job market or financial situation, please know there is no pressure to give over and beyond what you are doing. We would not begin this project if we were dependent upon people making risky financial contributions. Due to the generosity of people already giving to the building fund, we are within reach of doing it all now without having to go into debt. In these times, we can get better pricing, and our facilities have a unique margin to do this project. We can save money if we do it now, and that is why we wanted to go forward. If you are not in a position to help at this time, do not worry about that at all!

For some in the church, your finances are secure and your margin to give to a worthwhile cause like this is available. If that is your situation, I would ask you to consider prayerfully if you should give over and beyond in the next month in order that we could finish this project. If each person who could give would give, we would be able to make up the difference within the next few weeks. I believe that wholeheartedly! If you can give above and beyond, please give via whatever comfortable means and designate it to the building fund.

We have also been asked about stock gifts. Do we take them? Yes. And here’s how we do it. If someone gifts stock to the church, we sell them immediately. We don’t wait and watch the market, but we put it into motion as soon as we receive it. If you gift stocks to the church, the benefit is that zero taxes are taken out. If you sell it yourself and then give it to the church, a significant percentage is taken out. If you gift it to the church, no taxes are taken on your part or on the church’s part. It is a great way to give and ensure that your entire gift makes its way to the church’s ministry fund.

Just a reminder, we don’t want this to replace your current giving to the church. We cannot stop doing the ministry we are doing, but we do want to give to this project to set us up for future discipleship, connecting, and discipling through Phase 4. This move not only allows us to do more now, but it positions us greatly for the future.

If you can give, feel free in the next few weeks to give an over and beyond gift to the building fund.

I am so thankful to each of you. Even during these unprecedented times, our God is faithful, and He is still moving among His people. For that, I am grateful!

Grace and Peace,

Pastor Travis