We are committed to the ministry of training those committed to the ministry.

A pastor teaching from a podium
The things which you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, entrust these to faithful people who will be able to teach others also.
2 Timothy 2:2

Entrust Essentials


We will train you in God’s Word to accomplish God’s work.


We will disciple you with intentional mentors.

Personalized Practicum

We will train you in God’s Word to accomplish God’s work.


We will navigate a specific path for ministry development.

Recent Courses

More Courses


"The Entrust Institute has been super beneficial for how l minister to my local church as well as how I minister to those around me. The courses don't just affect your life inside the church, but they also affect your life outside the church. It's about applying the knowledge to your everyday life. From the courses on discipleship to the courses on missions, the Entrust Institute has equipped me with the tools necessary to advance my walk with Christ."

Kolby Knox

Entrust Student and Pastor

"I love taking classes through the Entrust Institute! Not only do I get to see my pastor and other leaders within my church exercise their gifts of teaching, I get to learn about topics that are beneficial as I continue to pursue ministry. I have been taught to take complex topics and communicate them clearly which will benefit me as I continue to teach those in the local congregation."

Kaitlinn Harrison

Entrust Student and RC Member

Course Schedule


Spring - NT 5300: NT Survey

Summer - TH 5345: World Religions

Fall - TH 5340: Apologetics


Spring - OT 5300: OT Survey

Summer - CM 5000: Spiritual Formation

Fall - BI 5300: Hermeneutics


Spring - TH 5310: Systematic I

Summer - CM 5331: Discipleship

Fall - TH 5320: Systematic 2

Common Questions

Find answers to frequently asked questions about Rocky Creek, our beliefs, and practices.

What is the price?

The price is $300 per course hour for only those enrolled through the Entrust Institute. In addition, an $81 book fee (per course) and $85 technology fee (per term) is required.  Others are welcome to take classes for course credit but will be required to pay their institution’s typical course fee. The path for a degree with the Entrust Institute will save approximately $10,000 throughout the degree’s completion.

How is this institute affiliated?

Rocky Creek and North Greenville are both Baptist institutions. You do not have to be affiliated previously with either organization to enroll in the Entrust Institute.

Is there a fee for non-degree-seeking students?

You can take all courses without any fees if you are not seeking a degree. If you desire to get course textbooks, that expense is separate and voluntary.

Can I get all the courses through the Entrust Institute?

In conjunction with requirements with NGU’s accrediting agency*, SACS-COC, only 12 of the 25 courses may be completed at the Entrust Institute for a MDiv. For a MACM only 5 of the 12 courses may be completed at the Entrust Institute. The other courses must be completed at North Greenville’s graduate campus, online, or through ministry internships. If enrolled through the Entrust Institute, though, all of your courses will be at the reduced cost.

When are the courses offered?

The 12 courses will be offered on Sunday nights at Rocky Creek Church. We will teach this collection of core and elective courses over four years. Working with your course load and the external course offerings, we will help you complete your degree in a reasonable amount of time.

Can I get a MACM?

A Master of Arts in Christian Ministry is a 36-hour degree program that prepares for ministry without the additional course load of a typical MDiv program. Any MACM student desiring to take classes through the Entrust Institute may only take 5 classes at Rocky Creek and the rest of the classes must be completed at North Greenville’s graduate campus, online, or through ministry internships.

Can I take courses if I’m enrolled in another institution?

On our end, you are more than welcome to join us, but you will need to check with your institution to determine if the courses can be transferred to your degree.

Can this degree have a particular emphasis?

Yes! We have tracks for those desiring ministry training outside of a standard pastoral emphasis. Indicate your preferred path of ministry on your application, and we can help prepare you with an approach that will provide the most thorough training possible.

Have more questions?

Entrust Conference

Entrust Conference

Our annual Entrust Conference provides dedicated weekends to dig deep into specific topics and for students to obtain course credit. Registration will open late 2024.
A pastor teaching from a stage