Serving as a Deacon

    In his letter to the Philippians, Paul writes “to all the saints in Christ Jesus...
    July 6, 2018

    In his letter to the Philippians, Paul writes “to all the saints in Christ Jesus at Philippi, together with the overseers and deacons.”  In the body of Christ at Philippi there were saints (members), and some happened to be overseers (pastors) and some happened to be deacons (servants).  As at Philippi, at Rocky Creek all three play a vital role in the health and effectiveness of the church.

    According to the Bible, deacons are to serve the people by helping to meet the physical needs of the body, and they are to support the pastors.  Deacons at Rocky Creek desire to be focused on service and ministry opportunities.  David Platt says the following three things separate deacons from other servants:

    •     Meet needs according to the Word – handle physical needs as they come up
    •     Support the ministry of the Word – allow pastors to study, pray, and preach
    •     Unify the body around the Word – promote Christlike character and mission mindset

    The office of deacon is an important office and God wants to use various men at Rocky Creek in this capacity.  However, the office is not to be taken lightly.  Would you pray about the men who would serve as deacons at Rocky Creek as you read the qualifications below?

    Deacons at Rocky Creek should be men, at least twenty-one years of age and covenant supporting members of Rocky Creek Baptist Church for at least one year, who have proved themselves as servants and meet the following Scriptural qualifications outlined in Acts 6 and 1 Timothy 3.  If you believe that God would have you serve as a deacon at Rocky Creek please contact the church office at 288-1323 or email by Sunday, July 15, 2018, to let us know of your willingness.  If you know someone who exhibits the qualities of a deacon, you can encourage them to contact the office as well.

    Scriptural Qualifications:

    Of honest report (Acts 6:3)

    One who has a good reputation in church and community.  One who bears a good witness for the Lord.

    Full of the Holy Ghost (Spirit) (Acts 6:3)

    One whose life if permeated with spiritual concern, righteousness and surrender to the Lord’s will for his life.  Willing to be led by the Spirit.

    Full of … wisdom (Acts 6:3)

    One who has good common judgment. Wise in God’s ways and in dealing with people.

    Grave (I Timothy 3:8)

    Honorable and honest – respected and well thought of in church and out of church.

    Full of faith (Acts 6:5)

    One whose faith impels him to take action for God in the face of obstacles. A faith that expresses itself in faithfulness.

    Not double-tongued (I Timothy 3:8)

    One who is honest in his speech. One who does not say one thing to one person or group and another thing to another person or group. One whose word can be trusted.

    Not given to much wine (I Timothy 3:8)

    One who seeks God’s help in abstaining from all drugs, food, drink, and practices which bring unwarranted harm to the body or jeopardize their own or another’s faith. (See Romans 14:21-22)

    Not greedy of filthy lucre (I Timothy 3:8)

    One who will not seek gain illegally or unethically, will not take advantage of others dishonorably or take that which belongs to another.

    Holding the mystery of the faith in a pure conscience (I Timothy 3:9)

    A man of sound doctrine who believes the word of God in both profession and practice.

    First be proved (I Timothy 3:10)

    One who has given evidence of worthiness and fidelity to the Lord and His church.

    Being found blameless (I Timothy 3:10)

    One against who no charge of wrongdoing can be brought. One whose life can stand examination.

    Husband of one wife (I Timothy 3:12)

    The emphasis is on being a “one woman man.” No man having two living wives should be elected a deacon – not interpreted to the exclusion of one who has experienced divorce –  A man who has proven himself faithful in the bonds of Christian marriage

    Ruling their children and their own houses well (I Timothy 3:12)

    One who through love, Christian teaching and practice leads his house into being a home dedicated unto God.

    One who fully supports the church (Church Covenant)

    One who contributes cheerfully and regularly to the support of the ministry, the expenses of the church, the relief of the poor and the spread of the gospel through all nations.

    Even so must their wives be grave, not slanderers, sober, faithful in all things (I Tim. 3:11)

    The wife of a deacon has the same high standard of the deacons. She can only be the wife she should be through a heart dedicated to the Lord. She is to minister along with her husband. Faithfulness to her husband, family and church are essential.


    The men desiring to be a deacon at Rocky Creek will be examined by the pastors and current deacons in the coming weeks.  They will also be able to affirm their understanding of the role of deacon and how they can serve at Rocky Creek.  On Sunday, August 5, the church family will receive a list of deacons and on Sunday, August 19, 2018, we will ask the church body to affirm the deacons to serve in the coming year (September 2018-August 2019).