Understanding the Book of Psalms

    We have already been reading some of the Psalms as a part of our Rocky...
    April 8, 2019

    We have already been reading some of the Psalms as a part of our Rocky Creek Bible Reading Plan.  What we have read so far has gone along with events that are described in 1-2 Samuel and 1 Chronicles.  Today we are reading Psalm 1 and 2 so it seems fitting to have some videos today that give us an overview of this book.  As we continue to read through these three books (2 Samuel, 1 Chronicles, Psalms) in the coming weeks, ask God to teach you truth, to give you a heart to treasure Him above all else, and to allow you to worship Him with all that you are.

    These videos from the Bible Project will help you understand the Book of Psalms.  May He put a song in your mouth to praise Him.