Rocky Creek Español
Spanish: 10:30AM
1801 Woodruff Road, Greenville, SC 29607
Rocky Creek is one church operating in two different languages. Our English and Spanish congregations are both on mission to make disciples who take personal responsibility for Kingdom activity.

Helpful Information
Parking Information
As a guest, we have designated and marked parking for you. Follow the guest parking markings/signage, or roll down your car window and ask one of our greeters to point you to the guest parking near our Welcome Center entrance to the right of the sanctuary.

Start at the Welcome Center
Enter the Welcome Center doors and turn to the right - there you will find our Welcome Desk and greeters. Our greeters can answer any questions you might have and will also have a first-time guest gift for you. Our greeters will also help get all of your family members to the right location on Sunday.
Weekly Rhythms

Servicio de Celebración
Los Domingos alas 10:30AM nos reunimos para adorar y glorificar a nuestro Señor Jesucristo completamente en español por medio de canticos, enseñanza de la palabra de Dios y compañerismos entre las familias. Nuestras predicaciones siguen el mismo tema que enseña nuestro pastor Travis.

Discípulado Clases
Los domingos por la mañana los adultos estan invitados a formar parte del grupo de discipulado. este grupo se reune a las 9:00AM en el Salon 201 (dentro de la capilla) durante este tiempo enseñamos a los adultos los fundamentos de la Fe cristiana. Mientras que los niños participan en las diferentes clases en ingles en diferentes grupos segun sus edades, pre-escolares, escolares, jovenes.
Our Español Team
Meet the passionate leaders of our Español Ministry.

Joe Martinez
Spanish Pastor

Victor David Martinez
Spanish Assistant

Janet Suarez
Spanish Assistant
Upcoming Español Events
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