Your Giving Makes an Impact
Your faithful giving changes lives and communities, locally and around the world. God doesn’t need your money. The mission is much bigger than that. We give because God asked us to. When we give, our faithful obedience shows that we trust Him. God informed His people in Exodus 25:1-2 that a gift for ministry was actually a gift for Him.

How to Give
Four simple ways to give to the mission.
Setup recurring giving online.
Text desired amount to 84321
Place your office in a drop box at one of the sanctuary exits before or after one of our services.
Send cash or a check to 1801 Woodruff Road, Greenville, SC 29607
Common Questions
You sure can! We have boxes at every sanctuary exit where you can contribute.
In the Old Testament, God initiated a tenth principle, but the New Testament showed such radical generosity to the mission as disciples selling possessions and giving it all away. The Bible provides an excellent starter goal of 10% of one’s gross income toward a local church. Even if we each can’t give the same amount, we can all give the same percentage of sacrifice. If we did that together, our church would experience amazing opportunities for ministry.
Have more questions?
Rocky Creek Missions Offering
Support the Mission
The RC Missions Offering seeks to advance the work of the gospel locally, nationally, and globally. With an Acts 1:8 focus that extends from Greenville to the ends of the earth, our contributions seek to support ministry workers, church planters, and missionaries as they confront lostness and care for the needy.

Legacy Giving
Legacy Gift

Legacy Giving Questions
Three simple ways to give to the mission.
Gifts can be made to the fund at any time. There are several ways to consider contributing:
Cash, Check or Electronic Giving
Donation of Appreciated Assets
Estate Planning
Planned Giving
Required Minimum Distributions
Life Income Gifts
You can contact the church office with any questions or you can complete an interest form and a member of our staff or finance team will follow-up with you directly.
Our staff and finance team will review the use of distributions from the fund on an annual basis. The defined areas of support include: missions (Matthew 28:18-19), benevolence (Acts 4:34-35), physical assets (2 Kings 12:4-5), and family ministry (Deuteronomy 6:5-7).
It is easy to include a statement in your will that you desire to leave a certain dollar amount or percentage of your assets to the church upon your death. At a future time, your executor or trustee will follow the instructions you leave. One benefit of our relationship with the Baptist Foundation of South Carolina is their relationship with a firm that assists in preliminary work leading to the preparation of a will. They will invest time to document your desires at no cost if some portion of your estate is left to the church.