Explore our collection of resources to deepen your faith and understanding.
Six Categories of Distinctive Discipleship
Distinctive Discipleship is a process - not a program. It's a method to help you design a specific plan for Christian maturity in your life or in the life of someone you are discipling.
What do you delight in more than Jesus, and what can you do to push back that rival?
What weak and sinful area do you need to address now?
What is one critical biblical doctrine you could study for the next few months?
What is one key area in which you need to grow regarding your calling and surrounding?
What is one pivotal spiritual discipline you could plan to improve?
What is one thing you are praying about that only God can do?
Plan Builder

Bible Reading Plans
Take a step forward and commit to a 52-week Bible Reading Plan. Based on the daily reading requirements there are beginner, moderate, and advanced plans.
If you’ve struggled with consistency in the past we encourage you to choose a plan with lighter daily reading and attempt something more the following year. The goal is to push yourself enough to grow, but enough that you will break.
The Gospel Project
Scope: Aligns with our Gospel Project curriculum
Daily Reading: 15-20 verses
Band Color: White
Old Testament
Scope: The entire Old Testament
Daily Reading: 2-3 chapters
Band Color: Brown
NT + Psalms + Proverbs
Scope: The entire New Testament, plus Psalms and Proverbs
Daily Reading: 1 chapter
Band Color: Gray
Scope: Navigate the entire Bible chronologically
Daily Reading: 3-4 chapters
Band Color: Black
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Helping You Follow Jesus Every Day
God's Forgiveness is Unconditional... Right?

Discipleship: Growth According to God’s Description

Are You Easily Edified?