Plan Your Visit

English: 9AM, 10:30AM, 5PM
Spanish: 10:30AM
1801 Woodruff Road, Greenville, SC 29607

At Rocky Creek, you’ll find people of all ages and in all stages of life. From the moment you walk in, our staff and volunteers are ready to help make your first visit to Rocky Creek the best that it can be. Completing our Plan A Visit Form helps our team prepare to welcome you and ensures a quick and easy check-in process for your kids.

Front of the church building
People visiting
A man with a sign
Front of the church building
People visiting
A man with a sign
A pastor teaching from the stage
An older couple smiling
A church service
A pastor teaching from the stage
An older couple smiling
A church service

Helpful Information

Parking Information

As a guest, we have designated and marked parking for you. Follow the guest parking markings/signage, or roll down your car window and ask one of our greeters to point you to the guest parking near our Welcome Center entrance to the right of the sanctuary.
A parking attendant holding a sign
Two older men talking in the church lobby

Start at the Welcome Center

Enter the Welcome Center doors and turn to the right - there you will find our Welcome Desk and greeters. Our greeters can answer any questions you might have and will also have a first-time guest gift for you. Our greeters will also help get all of your family members to the right location on Sunday.

Visit our Next Steps Gospel Group

Guests who are interested in visiting a Gospel Group (what we call our Bible study groups) start with our Next Steps Gospel Group. In this group geared towards guests and visitors, our leaders will not only walk you through the week’s Bible lesson, but they will also spend some time helping you get to know more about our church. Our Next Steps Gospel Group currently meets at the 9AM hour only.
Church members visiting

A Fun, Safe Environment for Your Kids

Kids volunteers smiling at the check in desk

Rocky Creek Kids

Your child’s safety is one of our top priorities while they are with us at Rocky Creek. Check-In is a key part of building a safe environment for every kid. At Check-In, you receive two stickers: a name tag for your child and a security tag for you as the parent/guardian. Your security tag enables you to be the only person allowed to pick up your child.

Common Questions

What are the sermons like?

Our pastor primarily preaches through books of the Bible with occasional topical series. The preaching is expository, allowing the Word to drive the content of the sermons.

How long are your worship services?

Services usually last around an hour and fifteen minutes. There are three songs at the beginning of the service followed by a sermon that lasts around 40 minutes and a final song to conclude the service.

Are all of your services identical?

We aim for unity by keeping the same biblical and singable style of worship for all services. We do have multiple service times at 9:00am, 10:30am, and 5pm. Our Spanish service meets at 10:30am in the chapel.

What should I wear?

You’re invited to come as you are. On Sundays, people wear anything from suits to shorts, so you dress however you feel most comfortable.

Where will my kids go?

Preschoolers (birth-K5) attend their Gospel Groups (Bible study) for both hours while parents attend one hour of worship and one hour with their Gospel Groups.

Children in grades 1-5 attend one hour with their Gospel Groups and one hour with their families in worship. Rocky Creek prioritizes families worshiping together during the child’s elementary years. Families can pick which hour they worship and which one they attend Gospel Groups.

How do you protect preschoolers and children in your family ministry areas?

Families have a check-in procedure that allows the child and parent to be matched together with a security tag. Only the parents or people parents authorize with the security tag in hang can pick up a child from either area. Our church also has a team trained to make sure our facility is monitored on Sundays and Wednesdays for the protection of our staff and church families.

I’m skeptical about church and Christianity. Am I still welcomed?

Yes! Please bring your doubts, your brain, and your baggage — they are all welcome here. You will have the opportunity to learn more, ask questions, share hurts from past experiences, all at your own pace. In fact, you can reach out to a staff member with your questions at any time — even right now.

Have more questions?

Take Your Next Step
