Where Is God During Crisis?

Many wonder where God is during a crises. Some even ask, "Where is He at?" "Does He know what's going on?" and "Where is God during a pandemic?"
Marty Miller
Student Pastor

Where Is God During Crisis?

Many wonder where God is during a crises. Some even ask, "Where is He at?" "Does He know what's going on?" and "Where is God during a pandemic?"
Marty Miller
Student Pastor

Where is God during crises?

Many wonder where God is during a crises. Some even ask, "Where is He at?" "Does He know what's going on?" and "Where is God during a pandemic?"

People all over the globe can relate to these types of questions. In fact, just about everyone faces a crises of some type during their life. Chip Ingram writes, "Crises are a part of life. Some are global - tsunamis, earthquakes, or terrorism. Others are local - cancer, divorce, bankruptcy, or the death of a loved one"

In the midst of the storms of life, many wonder, "Where is God?" It can seem like a very difficult time when going through a storm. After all, we all know that He is in control and can stop any events. Some even wonder if He is still there for us and still cares. Jim Daly, from Focus on the Family, writes, "In times of great crisis, it’s natural and normal for people to ponder and pose any number of questions. Lately, I’ve been asked how an all-powerful God would allow the coronavirus to wreak such havoc clear across the world."

The short answer is "Yes," He still cares and He is still in control. His Word tells us that He cares for us (1 Peter 5:7). At the end of Hebrews 13:5, the Bible says, "I will never leave you or forsake you." However, that does not mean that we will live in a perfect world without difficulty or hardships. It is imperative to remember that the world and humanity are fallen. Meaning, the events in Genesis 3 are devastating and bring serious consequences. In Genesis 3, humanity sinned against God, therefore, sin entered through disobedience and rebellion against God. The most tragic thing that sin did was it separated us from God.  It is easy to conclude that the consequences of sin are troublesome, therefore we need  redemption. God did not leave us without a way to be redeemed, specifically through His Son Jesus. In fact, God provided salvation for those who repent, believe, and trust in Christ. Additionally, He has plans to redeem everything one day, thus, a new heaven and new earth (Revelation 21).

There are things we can do during crises. First of all, we can seek God. We can seek Him through His Word and prayer. We can also guard our hearts through these difficult and discouraging times. These crises can bring lots of doubts, worries, etc. Guarding our hearts during these times is very wise. Another thing we can do is care for our neighbors. It is a great testimony in trials, crises, and hardships, that we reach out and care for others. It may even give the opportunity to share the gospel.

Bible Verses

1 Peter 5:7

Hebrews 13:5

Philippians 4:6-7

2 Corinthians 4:16-18

1 Thessalonians 5:11

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