Recap from the M2 Waypoint

After months of prayerful work preparing and presenting the Mobilize & Maximize campaign, we are so grateful for the eager support we have received. Here's a recap from this big event.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor

After months of prayerful work preparing and presenting the Mobilize & Maximize campaign, we are so grateful for the eager support we have received. If you missed the presentation, we sent an email to all members so that you can see the scope of this multi-year, multifaceted initiative that seeks to mobilize our church and maximize our campus.

Here’s what we are asking all members to do in these two weeks:

  1. If you weren’t in attendance, watch the entire presentation from Waypoint.
  2. If you have questions, join us for a Q&A session on Sunday, September 15, at 4:00 PM in the Multipurpose Room or Wednesday, September 18, at 7:45 PM in the Sanctuary.
  3. Take time to pray and fast for at least one meal as we seek the Spirit’s direction.
  4. Read over the Mobilize opportunities to learn how you can help multiply the gospel in this city.
  5. Read over the Maximize milestones and pray through how you could contribute to Phase 1 if the church unifies around the direction.
  6. Please prayerfully vote on the direction from Sunday, September 15, through Sunday, September 22. You can vote online via an email link, or if you would prefer to do it in person, we will have a voting station near the Welcome Center on Sundays. You can also call the church office and leave your vote with the receptionist.
  7. Regarding the vote, this is what we want to the church to decide:Do you affirm pursuing the architectural phase of the campus plans presented at Waypoint?

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