Parenting Pricnciples: Caring For Souls

January Parenting Principle    Principle #1: Nothing is more important in your life than being...
January 16, 2018

January Parenting Principle   

Principle #1: Nothing is more important in your life than being one of God’s tools to form a human soul.

Many books and articles have been written about the subject of parenting. In fact, there are whole sections in bookstores focused solely on that topic.  Biblical parenting is much more than a topic, book, tips, and even strategies. We use those things to help us, but its more than that. Biblical parenting is a calling.

God gives parents the opportunity and responsibility to shepherd and guide our children. Deuteronomy 6:4-9 is a great biblical reference point for parents, and for their responsibility. However, sometimes parents lose sight of that responsibility. Paul Tripp says, “In the middle of all the endless parenting activities, parents get lost. They are doing lots of things, lots of good things, but they don’t know why. They have been swallowed up into the daily grind of parenting, and they’ve lost sight of what it is that they’re working for or building toward.” That begs the question: Is there anything in your life that causes you to be less than faithful to the calling of being a parent? What competes in your heart and daily decisions for the value that parenting should have? (Questions to ponder)

Our value as parents cannot be understated. God has called parents to value our children, time, and teaching.  Tripp goes on to say, “Your work as a parent is a thing of extreme value because God has designed that you would be a principal, consistent, and faithful tool in his hands for the purpose of creating God-consciousness and God-submission in your children. You can’t create this yourself, only God can, but you have been appointed to be an irreplaceable tool in his hands. Your church was not designed to replace you, but assist and equip you for this essential work.”

As parents, we have an enormous opportunity and responsibility to help our children grow in Christ.  We need God’s help to do this.

How are you being used of God to help your child grow in Christ?


Information taken from the book: (Parenting: 14 Gospel Principles That Can Radically Change Your Family) by Paul David Tripp