Florence and Sunday’s Schedule

While many people will claim meteorologists exaggerated or missed the impact of Hurricane Florence, I...
September 15, 2018

While many people will claim meteorologists exaggerated or missed the impact of Hurricane Florence, I will just take it as another reminder of God’s protection.  As the storm has weakened, it is just another indication of God’s goodness to us.

While we don’t know how much rain and wind will accumulate throughout the night, we do not want to change Sunday morning’s schedule on speculation.

At each point of this storm, it has seemed to weaken than what was expected.  We will continue to pray that it continues that pattern tonight.

If something significant changes, we will alert you early in the morning here on the website.  Do not put yourself in danger to get to worship in the morning, but also don’t let inconvenience keep you from a time to gather as God’s family.  We have baptisms to celebrate, truths to sing, saints to encourage, prayers to pray, and the Word to apply.

If you can gather in the morning, please do everything you can to join us.  If you have a need, make sure to let us know.  And if you are a volunteer and don’t think you can make it, please let your team leader know.

Once again, if anything changes, we will let you know as soon as we know.