Finding Stability in Unstable Times

When times become increasingly unstable, it can be hard to know where to turn. Look to Jesus and His Word in the midst of anxiety.
Becky Kirby
Staff Counselor

Finding Stability in Unstable Times

When times become increasingly unstable, it can be hard to know where to turn. Look to Jesus and His Word in the midst of anxiety.
March 30, 2020
Becky Kirby
Staff Counselor

One of the most unstable of times of our day has been the Coronavirus Epidemic in 2020. Who could have ever imagined that within just a short period of time, our world as we know it would be turned inside out and upside down? This big ship of life we’re cruising on has been hit broadside and it’s being wildly tossed, leaving many of us reeling from the impact.

So, when unstable times come what do we do? How do we respond? Where do we look for help?

As Christians, we know what the Bible says:

  • “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous.” (Joshua 1:9);
  • “When I am afraid I will trust in you.” (Psalm 31:14);
  • “Do not let your hearts be troubled.” (John 14:1)

Yes, we know what we’re supposed to do, but is that really doable when our ship is being tossed so violently? COVID-19 has hit us hard and the effects have been devastating and long-lasting for many.

As a result, some of you are still dealing with fear and anxiety. And on top of that, you’re frustrated at yourself for having those emotions. Doesn’t Jesus teach us in Matthew 5 to not worry? Yes, but He also understands that there will be times when we do, yet He loves us still!

Psalm 94 has been eye-opening for me this week. Look at verses 18-19:

“When I said, ‘My foot is slipping,’ your unfailing love, Lord, supported me.

When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought me joy.”

The psalmist admitted that he struggled, just as we do. Father God knows that we WILL struggle, especially when life drastically and unexpectantly changes, as it has this week. But He always offers us the life raft of His promises. Did you notice that His unfailing Love supports us (vs. 18) and that His consolation brings us joy (vs.19)? He wants to replace our anxiety with joy!

The sea is extremely rough right now and we need some solid ground!  Psalm 94:22 teaches us where to find that stability:

“But the Lord has become my fortress, and my God the rock in whom I take refuge.”

Make a choice to stand firm on this solid Rock. As we practice social distancing for the next few weeks, take the opportunity to ‘draw near to God and He will draw near to you.” (James 4:8)

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