A Unique Privilege

Working with preschoolers is a unique privilege. Feeling safe and being able to listen and engage with these stories is the building block for their future in His Church.
Lauren Duerk

A Unique Privilege

Working with preschoolers is a unique privilege. Feeling safe and being able to listen and engage with these stories is the building block for their future in His Church.
Lauren Duerk

In preschool leadership, I have often heard phrases such as, “I’m just here to hold babies," "I’m not a leader; I just volunteer in the preschool department.” or “I don’t want to teach; I just want to sit and watch the kids.”

Recently, I attended a meeting with a preschool director at a different church. We were talking about leadership in our departments and how to help develop and provide resources. Martha made a statement that day that changed the way I thought about what we do in preschool ministry.

She said, “In preschool leadership, we are given an enormous privilege to be teaching Bible stories to these precious little ones for the very first time.” What a great responsibility and privilege it is to be able to share what God has done and is doing. It's a privilege to share Bible stories for the very first time with so many of the little ones in our care. WOW.  

Growing up, I had the distinct privilege and benefit of sitting in classes where teachers enthusiastically shared the amazing stories of the Bible with us every week. I can still clearly remember sitting in Mrs. Susan’s class, listening and watching her tell us the stories of Jonah, Noah’s ark, Moses, and so many more. While she used the characters made out of felt on a felt board, I remember being totally amazed.I have similar fond memories of being comforted and played with by Mr. and Mrs. Phipps and what a treasure it is to still serve alongside Mrs. Sybil in our preschool hall today.

Our engagement and enthusiasm for the teaching of God's stories to the children who attend is such a high calling. The comfort and care we provide are meant to instill the stepping stones of a long-lasting relationship for a child. Feeling safe and being able to listen and engage with these stories is the building block for their future in His Church.

What a beautiful gift from our God that he would be so gracious to allow us to be able to tell of His wonder. We are His representatives and have a part in the lives of little ones who will one day be able to look back and say, “I learned the story of Jonah at church, and I can remember my group leaders were so excited when they told me that story. It ignited my passion for knowing more about God.”

Our work in the classrooms, many days, includes holding or playing with the little ones. Do not discount the opportunity we have to be His hands and feet to His future church people. “Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.'”  Matthew 19:14

I count it as a blessing, an honor, and a challenge to continue His work with preschoolers! Encourage your leaders who are teaching little ones to continue the good work they are doing!

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