Enabling Careless Leaders

What happens when those who are leading in worship actually lead others astray? If the religious leaders are careless, the followers will rarely surpass their example.
Bryce Staggs
Recommission Strategist
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Enabling Careless Leaders

What happens when those who are leading in worship actually lead others astray? If the religious leaders are careless, the followers will rarely surpass their example.
Bryce Staggs
Recommission Strategist
Malachi 2:1-9

The Priests’ Failure

  • If you are not listening to God, you cannot faithfully represent him.
  • The aim of the spiritual leader is not to secure an easy, cozy, entertainment-driven lifestyle that the world demands we have.
  • “Going through the motions” is death to the worship of God’s people.
  • Ministry leadership among God’s people is so important, that it is the means by which God protects and shepherds his people.

God’s Answer

  • God will judge spiritual leaders more harshly because of their responsibility.
  • God feeds his sheep with his Word, not with the opinions of his leaders.
  • God expects true teaching and godly character in the life of pastors and spiritual leaders.

Our Response

  • Pray for and encourage your leaders.
  • Hold your leaders to a high standard.
  • Look to Jesus, our true and perfect Priest.
  • In Jesus, we have a priest who does listen.
    • We have a priest who is holy.
    • We have a priest who has not turned aside.
    • We have a priest who has not broken the covenant, but who has fulfilled it all and represents us.

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