Awaiting God's Arrival

When God arrives, everything changes in a moment. For the people of the world, His coming promises judgment, but for the people of the Word, His coming guarantees joy.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
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Awaiting God's Arrival

When God arrives, everything changes in a moment. For the people of the world, His coming promises judgment, but for the people of the Word, His coming guarantees joy.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
Malachi 4:1-6

The Judgment of Hell [4:1]

  • People destined for hell are those who are insistent that they don’t need God or His instructions.
  • Hell is the place where God finally gives sinners everything they ever wanted – separation from Him.

The Joy of Heaven [4:2-3]

  • People destined for heaven are those who possess a proper fear of God, which leads to salvation.
  • Heaven is the place where God finally gives saints everything they ever wanted – communion with Him.

The Journey Along the Way [4:4-6]

  • We did not obey God’s rules to be saved by them, but we obey because we are saved by Him (4:4).
  • John the Baptist prepared the way for Jesus’ first coming (4:5), and we are to prepare the world for His second coming.
  • An indication of a blessed culture is one filled with men who treasure their children (4:6).
  • The blank page between the testaments represents 400 years when God’s voice went mute.
  • The birth of Jesus broke the silence of God and directed the way to heaven.

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