If We Would Just Listen to God

As we rejoice in who God is and remember what He has done, it should often call us to repent of the sins we have committed. Many of our personal struggles could be avoided if we would just listen to God.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
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If We Would Just Listen to God

As we rejoice in who God is and remember what He has done, it should often call us to repent of the sins we have committed. Many of our personal struggles could be avoided if we would just listen to God.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
Psalm 81

Rejoice [Ps. 81:1-3]

  • A true worshiper grasps how good God is and simply can’t contain his or her worship.
  • God is far more worthy than what arms-crossed, lips-closed worship attendance offers Him.

Remember [Ps. 81:4-7]

  • Experiencing a habit of worship never precedes a resolve to worship.
  • You can rid yourself of apathetic worship once you remember how God has delivered you.

Remove [Ps. 81:8-10]

  • Don’t allow the allurement of a potential god to linger in your presence.
  • Our emptiness was so deep, only the LORD could fill it.

Repent [Ps. 81:11-16]

  • God eventually gives continually rebellious sinners over to their stubborn hearts.
  • The only path that is not littered with regret is when we walk in the ways of the LORD.

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