Restored to Life

When David experienced the discipline of God due to his sin, God graciously restored his life. Even through these times, God showed that his justified discipline in our lives is always good and gracious.
Bryce Staggs
Recommission Strategist
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Restored to Life

When David experienced the discipline of God due to his sin, God graciously restored his life. Even through these times, God showed that his justified discipline in our lives is always good and gracious.
Bryce Staggs
Recommission Strategist
Psalm 30

The Purpose of Praise (Ps. 30:1-5)

  • We should lift God up in praise because He has lifted us up from danger.
  • The longest experience of suffering is only momentary in light of eternity.
  • We are not alone in receiving the blessings of God, so we should not be alone in the praise of God.

The Object of Praise (Ps. 30:6-7)

  • The focus of our praise is often misguided onto ourselves rather than Christ.
  • God will sometimes hide His face for our good.

The Act of Praise (Ps. 30:8-12)

  • The proper response to God’s mercy is to tell of him.
  • The ultimate end of God’s mercies is our praise to Him.
  • Great mercies deserve endless remembrance.

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