Mighty God

Since we could not make it to God, God came for us. Jesus was more than a godly man, but the God-Man who provided redemption.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
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Mighty God

Since we could not make it to God, God came for us. Jesus was more than a godly man, but the God-Man who provided redemption.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
John 8:31-59

Religious Confusion (John 8:31-43)

  • Jesus explained that freedom only comes by knowing and responding to the truth (8:31-33).
  • Jesus explained that these Jews were the physical descendants of Abraham but not the spiritual children (8:34-38).
  • Jesus explained that these people did not need to seek to be a product of religion but a child of God (8:39-43).

Bold Clarification (John 8:44-59)

  • Satan’s lies ushered in the first deaths, and they are still condemning people with life sentences today (8:44-47).
  • Those who believe in Jesus never have to fear death (8:48-51).
  • Jesus unashamedly claimed to be the Mighty God in human flesh (8:52-58).
  • The response of Jesus and the reaction of the crowd confirms that Jesus claimed to be God (8:59; cf. Lev. 24:15-16).

Personal Responsibility

  • The question remaining is not if Jesus claimed to be God, but if you accept it as truth.
  • If Jesus was truly God in the flesh, how has that changed your life?
  • Have you ever placed your faith in Jesus as your Savior and Lord?

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