The Greatest Gift Given

Out of all the gifts given to us, none can rival Jesus Christ Himself. Through a relationship with Jesus, we find the life for which we have all been longing.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
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The Greatest Gift Given

Out of all the gifts given to us, none can rival Jesus Christ Himself. Through a relationship with Jesus, we find the life for which we have all been longing.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
1 John 5:6–12

Jesus’ invasion of earth offered an invitation to heaven.

God’s Gift (5:6-9)

  • Water – Through His baptism, Jesus identified with our sin to provide for our cleansing (5:6).
  • Blood – Through His crucifixion, Jesus atoned for our sin to pay for our redemption (5:6).
  • Spirit – Through His presence, the Spirit draws us to believe the gospel (5:7-8).
  • Scripture – Through His Word, God provides us with truth in a world full of opinions (5:9).

Our Response (5:10-12)

  • Testimony – Through our conversion, we testify that Jesus’ life has completely changed ours (5:10).
  • Eternity – Through the gospel, we believe that we will live with God forever (5:11).
  • Purpose – Through the gift of Jesus, we can escape the trivial pursuits of this life to live lives of meaning (5:12).

Have you received Jesus as God’s gift to you?

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