Righteous Resemblance

If God is truly our Father, certain things about us are guaranteed to happen. Over time, we will grow more to look like Him if we truly belong to Him
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
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Righteous Resemblance

If God is truly our Father, certain things about us are guaranteed to happen. Over time, we will grow more to look like Him if we truly belong to Him
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
1 John 2:28—3:3

If you truly belong to Christ, you will gradually become more and more like Him.

Jesus Is On His Way (2:28-29)

  • Abiding with Jesus is all about remaining consistent in a relationship and not simply remembering when it started (2:28).
  • Live today in such a way that you wouldn’t be ashamed if Jesus returned (2:28).
  • Our hope for practical righteousness is that we will “get it honest” more than getting it right (2:29).
  • The closer we walk with God, the more we will bear a righteous resemblance (2:29).

We Are On Our Way (3:1-3)

  • God knows everything about us and still wants us to be His children (3:1).
  • The reason this world feels off is due to the fact that it is not our home (3:1).
  • Every person is God’s creation, but not every person is God’s child (3:2).
  • I am God’s child now, but I still have some growing up to do (3:2).
  • We should undergo progression on earth until we experience completion in heaven (3:2-3).

How evident is it that you are a child of God?

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