Rescued from an Ordinary Life

Far too many professing Christians drudge through life, seemingly unaware of the joyful journey it is to follow Jesus. To know Jesus is to experience rescue from an ordinary life.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
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Rescued from an Ordinary Life

Far too many professing Christians drudge through life, seemingly unaware of the joyful journey it is to follow Jesus. To know Jesus is to experience rescue from an ordinary life.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
1 John 1:1–4

To know Christ is to know life.


  • 1 John was written by one of Jesus’ first disciples, closest friends, and earliest pastors.
  • John wrote this letter due to concern over the spiritual conditions of those within the church.
  • The goal of studying this book is that you are sure about Jesus and where you stand with Him.

Incarnation (1:1-2)

  • The eternal Son of God actually invaded this world as a physical man to rescue us.
  • Jesus was not diminished divinity or heightened humanity.

Fellowship (1:3)

  • Jesus calls us to belong to somebody more than just believe in something.
  • Christianity doesn’t work as an isolated faith.

Joy (1:4)

  • Jesus didn’t come so we could settle for a mediocre, miserable existence.
  • Truly following Jesus alongside other disciples could never be categorized as an ordinary life.

Evaluate: How much joy and purpose does Jesus honestly bring to your daily life?

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