Know That You Know That You Know

There is no greater assurance to seek than that of your salvation. Know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you have eternal life and your present life receives the purpose needed.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
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Know That You Know That You Know

There is no greater assurance to seek than that of your salvation. Know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you have eternal life and your present life receives the purpose needed.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
1 John 5:13–21

God does not want you to be unsure if you belong to Him (5:13).

True Christians Pray Confidently (5:14-15)

  • Prayer serves to align us with God’s desires rather than Him fulfilling our wishes (5:14).
  • Those who know Jesus are eager to pray and confident that He hears them (5:15).

True Christians Love Intensely (5:16-17)

  • Followers of Jesus should bear a deep burden regarding even the sin of others (5:16).
  • Any professed love for others should reach the spiritual level (5:17).

True Christians Obey Predominately (5:18a)

  • We must be reborn before we can ever be redirected (5:18).
  • Ongoing, defiant sin cannot be present in the life of a true believer (5:18).

True Christians Endure Assuredly (5:18b-19)

  • If you refuse the devil’s ways, you can be assured of God’s protection (5:18).
  • We do not have to fear this world’s corruption because the enemy has no power over us (5:19).

True Christians Believe Wholeheartedly (5:20-21)

  • Faith in Jesus should provide a type of holy confidence in who He is and what He has done (5:20).
  • Beware of substituting a good thing into a god thing (5:21).

Do you know that you know that you know that you belong to Jesus?

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