Savior and Standard

Jesus never attempted to advance a personally painless agenda but gave of Himself for our benefit. If the magnificent Jesus can humble Himself so much for our sake, what excuse can we reasonably provide?
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
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Savior and Standard

Jesus never attempted to advance a personally painless agenda but gave of Himself for our benefit. If the magnificent Jesus can humble Himself so much for our sake, what excuse can we reasonably provide?
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
Philippians 2:5-11

Jesus Is Our Savior

This early hymn provides key doctrinal confessions regarding Jesus:

  • Jesus is eternal.
    • Jesus was never Plan B presented in the New Testament, but He has always been Plan A existing eternally.
  • Jesus was born.
    • Jesus didn’t surrender His deity; He relinquished His privileges.
  • Jesus was crucified.
    • No one could have defeated Jesus on the cross because He humbled Himself to go there intentionally.
  • Jesus was resurrected.
    • The resurrection of the Christ was the reversal of the Garden.
  • Jesus has ascended.
    • Jesus’ lordship is not dependent upon anyone’s acceptance over it.

Jesus Is Our Standard

Christ’s example provides key ethical considerations regarding our lives:

  • We are not eternal.
    • While we do not exist eternity back, we will live somewhere forever based on how we respond to Jesus.
  • We must be reborn.
    • Our sins caused spiritual death, but Christ’s sacrifice can give us life.
  • We must crucify ourselves to this world.
    • Following Jesus cannot be spent pursuing things for which Christ had to die.
  • We are resurrected to a new way of living.
    • You will never out-humble Christ, so no opportunity to serve should ever be beneath you.
  • We will be exalted.
    • The prideful in life will be humbled at death, but the humble in life will be exalted at death.

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