Social Distancing and Spiritual Growth

When it comes to the work of our salvation and sanctification, who is ultimately responsible? Scripture indicates that God works hard through our hard work.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
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Social Distancing and Spiritual Growth

When it comes to the work of our salvation and sanctification, who is ultimately responsible? Scripture indicates that God works hard through our hard work.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
Philippians 2:12-13

Your Part (2:12)

  • While all people will eventually confess Jesus as Lord (2:11), this command to his “beloved” is specifically for believers.
  • Paul encouraged this church for growth in the past, but he expected growth to be continued in the future.
  • Paul was unable to be with this church physically, but he wanted to ensure they continued to grow spiritually.
  • The Bible never commands us to work for salvation but to work out salvation.
  • Don’t forget that all these commands are given to a plural people; you aren’t meant to attempt Christianity alone.
  • Maintaining a healthy fear of the Lord reveals that we know how much our salvation cost and who had to pay for it.

God’s Part (2:13)

  • God has never been passive in your life for one minute.
  • God actually empowers and equips us.
  • Effective disciples are those who work hard with God’s power working hard through them.
  • Your sanctification brings great joy to the Lord.
  • I’m not what I should be, but thank God, I’m not what I used to be.

During the days where we can’t gather physically, how do you plan to grow spiritually?

  1. What are you studying?
  2. How are you praying?
  3. How is your family gathering?
  4. How is your group interacting?
  5. What needs are you meeting?
  6. How is your Distinctive Discipleship plan progressing?

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