Help for the Uniquely Stagnate Christian

If you feel like you are stuck in your Christian walk, then it is time to start moving again. The solution for spiritual stagnation is distinctive discipleship.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
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Help for the Uniquely Stagnate Christian

If you feel like you are stuck in your Christian walk, then it is time to start moving again. The solution for spiritual stagnation is distinctive discipleship.
August 18, 2019
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
Colossians 1:27-29


  • Am I spiritually where I want to be right now?
  • It’s OK to come broken, but it’s unacceptable to leave the same way.
  • The Great Commission calls us to make disciples – not converts.
  • Generalized approaches can never adequately address distinct disciples.


  • Does God provide a guide for distinctive discipleship?
  • The Christian life should be marked by gradual yet continual progress (Col. 1:9-11).
  • The goal of discipleship is to present one another as fully mature (Col. 1:28).
  • The Distinctive Discipleship model uses a biblical framework to address these specific areas:
    1. Delight – “Christ in you, the hope of glory”
    2. Disobedience – “warning everyone”
    3. Doctrine – “teaching everyone with all wisdom”
    4. Development – “present everyone mature in Christ”
    5. Discipline – “for this I toil”
    6. Dependence – “struggling with all His energy”


  • Will you develop a distinctive discipleship plan?
  • This model will be good for an individual, better with a partner, but best with a mentor.
  • Your process might involve your family, your group, or your friends.
  • The destination of discipleship is the same for every individual, but each unique journey demands specific directions.

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