Spiritual Amnesia

For a second time, Jesus leads a faithless group of disciples to help feed a great crowd of hungry people. Failing to remember Jesus’ power in the past can cause us to question His ability in the present for our physical and spiritual needs.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
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Spiritual Amnesia

For a second time, Jesus leads a faithless group of disciples to help feed a great crowd of hungry people. Failing to remember Jesus’ power in the past can cause us to question His ability in the present for our physical and spiritual needs.
October 21, 2018
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
Mark 8:1-26

Jesus Provides Again(Mark 8:1-10)

  • Never let your problems in life dilute your perception of Jesus.
  • What in Jesus’ past makes you think that He is unable to handle your future?

The Pharisees Ignore Again(Mark 8:11-13)

  • It’s a good thing if Jesus doesn’t fit into the box of your making.
  • Why would Jesus give us additional signs if we have ignored the ones He has already provided?

The Disciples Misunderstand Again(Mark 8:14-21)

  • Beware of the religious or cultural distortions that seek to corrupt biblical faith.
  • Spiritual amnesia is a dangerous condition of fearing the present situation by forgetting the past deliverance.

Jesus Touches Again(Mark 8:22-26)

  • Discipleship is a process – not a product.
  • Jesus is abundantly patient in light of our gradual progression.
How severe is your spiritual amnesia?

He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him over for us all, how will He not also with Him freely give us all things (Rom. 8:32)?

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