We Need Forgiveness More Than Healing

When Jesus forgave a man who came looking for healing, He revealed our need and His authority. As we attempt to bring people to Jesus, we must seek to address their greatest need – their need for forgiveness.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
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We Need Forgiveness More Than Healing

When Jesus forgave a man who came looking for healing, He revealed our need and His authority. As we attempt to bring people to Jesus, we must seek to address their greatest need – their need for forgiveness.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
Mark 2:1-12

You Need This Kind of Friendship (Mark 2:1-5)

  • We all need the kind of friendships that will get us to Jesus by any means necessary.
  • Not only do we need the kind of friends who bring us to Jesus, we need to be the kind of friend who brings others to Jesus.
  • We need people around us with the right type of faith and the right amount of willingness.

You Need This Kind of Forgiveness (Mark 2:5-8)

  • Our greatest need is not the one that is always glaringly obvious.
  • We need forgiveness for our sins more than relief from our circumstances.
  • Jesus is able to go beyond what we ask in order to provide for us what we need.

You Need This Kind of Jesus (Mark 2:9-12)

  • Jesus never indicated that this interruption to His sermon was ever outside of His plan.
  • The reaction of the crowd and the response of Jesus clarified the speculation – Jesus claimed to be God.
  • Jesus validated His authority to forgive by proving His ability to heal.

Have you ever received the forgiveness that Jesus is offering you?

Is there a friend you need to get to Jesus by whatever means necessary?

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