When Riches Rob You of Jesus
A rich young man wanted to follow Jesus, but he loved his possession too much. We must be careful that our riches don’t rob us of following Jesus.

Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor

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When Riches Rob You of Jesus
A rich young man wanted to follow Jesus, but he loved his possession too much. We must be careful that our riches don’t rob us of following Jesus.
December 30, 2018

Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
Mark 10:17-31
Harmful Riches (Mark 10:17-22)
- Having everything in this life doesn’t guarantee your standing for eternal life.
- Jesus sees the difference between a subdued behavior and a surrendered heart.
- Owning something and being owned by something are two completely different things.
Harsh Realities (Mark 10:23-27)
- Decorating our earthly kingdoms can distract us from preparing for God’s eternal Kingdom.
- Riches have a dangerous tendency of numbing us to our need for God’s grace.
- It is impossible to reach heaven if we think we have to earn the admission ourselves.
Heavenly Rewards (Mark 10:28-31)
- You aren’t fully following Jesus if you are attempting to limit His involvement in your finances.
- Follow Jesus in the big things and trust that He can handle the small things.
- Anything you give in this temporal life cannot be compared to what you will gain in eternal life.
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