No Storm Is a Match for Jesus

Jesus slept through the storms that terrified the disciples. No situation is so great that Jesus can’t handle it.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
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No Storm Is a Match for Jesus

Jesus slept through the storms that terrified the disciples. No situation is so great that Jesus can’t handle it.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
Mark 4:35-41

Before the Storm (Mark 4:35-36)

  • Jesus had called fishermen from the Sea of Galilee to be His first disciples (Mark 1:16-17).
  • As Jesus’ ministry increased, He stayed around the Sea of Galilee without going into it (Mark 2:13; 3:7; 4:1).
  • Using a boat for His pulpit, Jesus preached in the sea (Mark 4:1) and then finally set out into it the night of the great storm (Mark 4:35-36).
  • If Jesus could stop the storm, He could have predicted the storm, and yet He led them through it anyway.

During the Storm (Mark 4:37-39)

  • Seasoned fishermen were terrified of the storm while the landlubbing carpenter was sleeping through it.
  • If you fail to understand who Jesus is, you will never comprehend what He does.
  • Only God has the ability to rebuke the forces of nature and the forces of evil.
  • The most caring thing Jesus could do was to lead them through a storm He could control.
  • If you have to be in the storm, it’s best to have Jesus in the boat with you.

After the Storm (Mark 4:40-41)

  • The disciples went through a great storm, Jesus made a great calm, and their response was a great fear.
  • The disciples mistakenly feared a storm when they should have feared the one who could sleep through it.
  • The point of this story is not that Jesus will calm your storm but that He can calm your storm.
  • If Jesus had the authority to rebuke that storm, He has the power to rescue me from the greatest one of all – God’s judgment.

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