When Traditions Override Truth
The religious leaders valued their preferential traditions over God’s doctrinal truth. As followers of Jesus, we must ensure that we hold the Word of God as superior to the traditions of man.

Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor

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When Traditions Override Truth
The religious leaders valued their preferential traditions over God’s doctrinal truth. As followers of Jesus, we must ensure that we hold the Word of God as superior to the traditions of man.
Legalists obtain superiority by comparison (Mark 7:1-5).
- Any sense of elitism is unwarranted in the Kingdom.
- We must stop assuming that people are in bad standing with God if they fail to adhere to our standards.
Legalists masquerade as sincere worshipers (Mark 7:6-7).
- When worship is more about me than God, I have become the idol.
- Empty worship is when we put our preferences as more important than God’s expectations.
Legalists prioritize their traditions over God’s commands (Mark 7:8-9).
- We must war against the tendency to prioritize trends and traditions over truth.
- If you are unable to trace a tradition to a biblical origin, that practice should be expendable.
Legalists make excuses for disobedience (Mark 7:10-13).
- Tampering with God’s Word can become a habitual convenience.
- Don’t disguise disobedience as devotion.
What non-biblical tradition have you allowed to take precedence in your life?
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