Consequences: The Unfortunate Reality

After making a bad decision, we are often left with the unfortunate reality of consequences. How should we go forward when we are dealing with effects from previous decisions?
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
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Consequences: The Unfortunate Reality

After making a bad decision, we are often left with the unfortunate reality of consequences. How should we go forward when we are dealing with effects from previous decisions?
October 19, 2019
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor

Why Am I Going Through This Situation?

  • Is God trying to teach me a lesson?
  • Is Satan trying to take me down?
  • Are enemies trying to frustrate me?
  • Are my consequences coming back to bite me?
  • If God is testing me, let me be found faithful.
  • If Satan is tempting me, let me be found faithful.
  • If enemies are trying me, let me be found faithful.
  • If consequences are troubling me, let me be found faithful.

Process the Situation

  • If I could press rewind, what would I do differently?
  • What circumstances were beyond my control?
  • What am I unable to change right now?

Wisdom from the Word

  • Deuteronomy 28
    • You cannot bypass your consequences, but you can avoid adding to them.
    • Instead of agonizing your decisions in the past, prioritize making wiser ones in the present.
  • 2 Kings 22-23
    • Negligence of God’s Word can lead to consequences from God’s hand.
    • Even if God graciously removes consequences, do what you can do to ensure others won’t experience them either.
  • Galatians 6
    • Accept consequences as God’s gracious warning against further disobedience.
    • Your life will reap the most whatever you sow the most.

Tips for the Journey

  • Failure to learn from previous mistakes invites you to repeat them.
  • If you constantly play the victim, you will always feel defeated.
  • You are only responsible for your contribution to the situation.
  • Blaming others might alleviate guilt, but it will not promote healing.
  • You cannot change what you have done, but you can change what you will do now.

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