Redemption Precedes Regulations

Before God gave commandments, He reminded the people about what He had already done for them. We don’t do good works to be loved by God, for redemption precedes regulations.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
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Redemption Precedes Regulations

Before God gave commandments, He reminded the people about what He had already done for them. We don’t do good works to be loved by God, for redemption precedes regulations.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
Exodus 19


  • God never faltered in His plan given to Moses regarding Israel’s redemption (19:1-4).
  • God’s kingdom covenant expected His people to live out who He prepared them to be (19:5-6).
  • To meet with God, He gave the people requirements and restrictions (19:7-15).
  • The people of God need regular reminders regarding the holiness of God (19:16-19).
  • God revealed His Word to one so that it would be communicated with all (19:20-22).
  • God saved HIs people far before He ever gave them a command to obey (19:23-25).


  • If you don’t see yourself in kingdom ministry, you have misunderstood salvation.
  • Obedience is not the prerequisite for salvation – it is the proof.
  • Do not underestimate the holiness of God.
  • The most glorious truth about God’s glory is the nearness He seeks to bring it.
  • Realize that no command could be too much for a God who saved so well.

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