I AM and I Am Not
Moses received the LORD’s instructions at the burning bush and immediately provided excuses for why he could not do what God asked of him. When we consider what God calls us to do, we must never forget who He is and who we are not.

Tyler Finley

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I AM and I Am Not
Moses received the LORD’s instructions at the burning bush and immediately provided excuses for why he could not do what God asked of him. When we consider what God calls us to do, we must never forget who He is and who we are not.
- God’s calling doesn’t always take the path we prefer. (v. 1)
- The Burning Bush is the first taste of Moses seeing God’s glory and holiness to come. (v. 2-3)
- Position your heart in worship in a way that when God calls, you can answer simply. (v. 4-6)
- What you are going through isn’t missed by God. (v. 7-10)
- The I AM is greater than your I Am Not. (v. 11-14)
- God’s name doesn’t change based on your response to Him. (v. 6; 15-17)
- Rulers don’t get a free pass from God’s Justice. (v. 19-22)
- Big things start with humble beginnings!
- Wherever God has you, get busy.
- God has bigger plans for you than your past does.
- There is always going to be more of God than your excuses.
- Trust the I AM’s I WILL!
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