Relentless Prayers and a Willing God

In The Parable of the Persistent Friend, Jesus taught the need for consistent prayers. Many of us are not receiving certain things simply because we have failed to ask.
Contributing Author
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God's Will

Relentless Prayers and a Willing God

In The Parable of the Persistent Friend, Jesus taught the need for consistent prayers. Many of us are not receiving certain things simply because we have failed to ask.
Contributing Author
Luke 11:5–13


  • Parables most often have a single purpose and communicate a single point.
  • Travelers arriving at midnight meant a long journey and great hunger (5-6).
  • Hospitality was a major priority, and the host was expected to be generous (6).


  • The friend was not unwilling to give the bread, nor is God hesitant to bless his children (7).
  • Persistent prayer demonstrates to God what needs and desires you prioritize (8).
  • God wants us to communicate our needs to him and wants us to trust and rely on him for our every need (9-10).
  • Many people don’t ask God for much because they are afraid of what He may give them (11-12).


  • God wants us to sit with him and cast all our shameless cares on him.
  • The blessing of prayer is not in the getting but in the communing with the Holy Spirit (13).

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