Two Trees In The Garden

It didn’t take long before sin corrupted God’s good creation. While disobedience brought about brokenness, God revealed a plan to redeem what had fallen.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
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God's Will

Two Trees In The Garden

It didn’t take long before sin corrupted God’s good creation. While disobedience brought about brokenness, God revealed a plan to redeem what had fallen.
August 20, 2017
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
Genesis 1-3


  • God addressed formlessness and emptiness by stating, creating, and celebrating (Gen. 1:1-4).

1 – Light                4 – Sun, moon, and stars

2 – Sky & Water    5 – Birds and fish

3 – Land                6 – Animals and people

  • Mankind was made in the image of God in order to be like him (Gen. 1:26).
  • God did not provide a logic for the command regarding the two trees – the love of the Commander should have been sufficient (Gen. 2:16).


  • Satan tempts us to doubt God’s Word and attempt to take God’s place (Gen. 3:1-5).
  • Sin magnifies the prohibition yet belittles the freedom (Gen. 3:4-5).
  • Sin always results in shame and always leads to blame (Gen. 3:8-13).


  • Some of the richest forms of God’s grace are the clearest displays of sin’s consequences (Gen. 3:15-19).
  • God promised that one born of a woman would come and fix what was broken in the Garden (Gen. 3:15).
  • To cover up their guilt, something had to die (Gen. 3:21).

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