Doers of the Word

Learning biblical information does not guarantee biblical transformation. We must learn how to apply the Word of God into our lives.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
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The Bible

Doers of the Word

Learning biblical information does not guarantee biblical transformation. We must learn how to apply the Word of God into our lives.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
James 1:22-25


  • The early Church spread rapidly through the power of the gospel.
  • The apostles wrote letters to clarify doctrine and practice to the growing Church.
  • James, the brother of Jesus and leader of the Jerusalem Church, wrote his letter emphasizing how right doctrine leads to right duty.


  • Hearing God’s Word should lead to obeying God’s Word.
  • Our churches can be filled with auditors – attendees who come for information but not application.
  • Failing to obey Scripture doesn’t deceive others – it only deceives yourself.
  • If you only look at yourself, you forget the image that you are supposed to bear.
  • God’s Word provides the blueprint for how are lives are supposed to look.
  • The commandments of God are not enslaving but liberating.
  • Information will be forgotten, but transformation will be lasting.
  • There is freedom and blessing to be found in obedience.


  • Salvation is the only thing powerful enough to produce an increasing level of obedience.
  • You will not experience transformation by mere information.
  • Stop merely learning the Word and start living the Word.

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