Spending Time With God

Spending quality time in prayer, Bible study, memorizing Scripture, and simply seeking God is essential to growing in Christ.
Marty Miller
Student Pastor
The Bible

Spending Time With God

Spending quality time in prayer, Bible study, memorizing Scripture, and simply seeking God is essential to growing in Christ.
Marty Miller
Student Pastor

Some questions that students ask is, “How do I spend my time with God?” Or, a similar question would be, “When and where do you have time alone with God?”

How do I spend my time with God?

There could be many different answers to just those two questions. To begin with, one of the best things to do is to find a specific time and place to have a quiet time. In the Bible, Daniel models this for us as he made sure to spend time with God. Daniel 6:10 recounts a time when Daniel would go into his room, and three times a day he got on his knees and prayed to God. In order to do this, a student may have to set aside some things like playing video games, texting, or anything else that would get in the way. Instead, a student may need to get up ten to fifteen minutes earlier, look up Scriptures though their online app, and simply take time to memorize Scripture. Essentially, it is being intentional to set aside quality time with God and His Word.

Some other special things to do during quiet time is to journal. Journaling is similar to a diary, and can be very meaningful. In fact, writing down thoughts and prayers can enrich a person’s quiet time. It is also a way to keep track of any answered prayers. Also, praying Scripture is an awesome thing to do during quiet time. When doing this, a person is engaging the Word of God.

Pay attention to what God says in His Word

Another important thing to do when spending time with God is to pay close attention to what He says. One way that helps many people is to memorize Scripture. Knowing and memorizing what God has communicated to us in His Word is an awesome way to help enrich a person’s quiet time. There are some simple steps to take when doing this. First, we need to read the passage and meditate on it. Second, we need focus on one or two verses and meditate specifically on those. Then, begin to memorize one word (or phrase) from that passage that will help in memorizing the whole verse. Then, be mindful throughout the day to go back to that verse and meditate again on it.

Lastly, talking with God is a part of quiet time. The Psalmist quite frequently talked with God, and even asks for help. Psalm 4:1 says, “Answer me when I call, O God of my righteousness! You have given me relief when I was in distress. Be gracious to me and hear my prayer!” Our God is approachable and hears our prayers.

Spending quality time in prayer, Bible study, memorizing Scripture, and simply seeking God is essential to growing in Christ.

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