God Equips Us for What He Calls Us

As Moses added to the excuses for why he couldn’t do what God called him to do, God kept providing assurances of why he could go forward. When God calls us to do something, He always equips us with exactly what we need.
Allen McWhite
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God's Will

God Equips Us for What He Calls Us

As Moses added to the excuses for why he couldn’t do what God called him to do, God kept providing assurances of why he could go forward. When God calls us to do something, He always equips us with exactly what we need.
Allen McWhite
Exodus 4:1–17

A critical issue to be settled: God has a calling for every one of His children!

Truth: God created and saved me for a Kingdom purpose.

Some excuses for why I do not respond to God’s calling in my life.

Excuse #1 (Ex. 3:11): Who am I?

  • Reason for the excuse: I don’t really know me.
  • God’s Response (Ex. 3:12): I will be with you!

Excuse #2 (Ex. 3:13): Who are You?

  • Reason for the excuse: I don’t really know God.
  • God’s Response (Ex. 3:14): I am all-sufficient!

Excuse #3 (Ex. 4:1): What about them?

  • Reason for the excuse: I am afraid of how people will react.
  • God’s Response (Ex. 4:2-9): That’s my problem, not yours!

Excuse #4 (Ex. 4:10): I can’t do it!

  • Reason for the excuse: I’m unqualified.
  • God’s Response (Ex. 4:4:11-12): I take responsibility for your weaknesses!

Excuse #5 (Ex. 4:13): I won’t do it.

  • Reason for the excuse: I’m inflexible.
  • God’s Response (Ex. 4:14-17): I can do it without you!

What will happen when I am obedient to God’s calling in my life (Ex. 4:17, 20)?

God will use me beyond my abilities to reveal His power and display His glory!

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