God Leads Through Paths Unexpected

God led the Israelites through unexpected paths by unusual guides as they left Egypt. We must maintain trust even when God leads in ways we do not understand.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
God’s Will

God Leads Through Paths Unexpected

God led the Israelites through unexpected paths by unusual guides as they left Egypt. We must maintain trust even when God leads in ways we do not understand.
April 16, 2023
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor


  • God intentionally led His people down an unexpected and troublesome path (13:17).
  • The exodus direction would ensure that these wanderers would avoid certain situations and be unable to escape from others (13:18).
  • The transfer of Joseph’s bones served as a reminder that God keeps His faithful promises even after we are gone (13:19).
  • While their path was unconventional, God’s guidance was undeniable (13:20-21).
  • God’s people endured the trials of the wilderness because His presence never left them (13:22).


  • If God’s direction for your life seems confusing, realize that He sees things you can’t.
  • God doesn’t let us experience certain scenarios because He knows we’re not ready for them yet.
  • God won’t hesitate to put you in impossible situations so that you rely on Him.
  • You need not ask for God’s presence but pray for your awareness.

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