When God's Plan Doesn't Make Sense

The prophet Habakkuk could not understand how God could idly allow the sin of their enemies to continue unchallenged. If we believe God to be worthy of our complete trust, we must accept His plan even when it doesn't make total sens
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
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God's Will

When God's Plan Doesn't Make Sense

The prophet Habakkuk could not understand how God could idly allow the sin of their enemies to continue unchallenged. If we believe God to be worthy of our complete trust, we must accept His plan even when it doesn't make total sens
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
Habakkuk 3:1-19
The prophet Habakkuk could not understand how God could idly allow the sin of their enemies to continue unchallenged. If we believe God to be worthy of our complete trust, we must accept His plan even when it doesn’t make total sense.


  • The prophecy of Habakkuk is a prequel to the narrative of Daniel.
  • We must be careful not to misinterpret this book for all citizens of the United States.
  • Habakkuk teaches that it is acceptable to ask God difficult questions as long as you brace for His answers.

The Believer’s Burden (Hab. 1:2-4)

  • To whom you take your burdens (“oracle”) determines how much peace you will experience (1:1).
  • Progressive sin and continual injustice can cause any believer to question God’s willingness to intervene (1:3-4).

The LORD’s Answer (Hab. 1:5-11)

  • If we truly comprehended God’s sovereignty among the affairs of the world, we would be utterly astounded (1:5).
  • It is not beyond God to use the sinfulness of this world as a wake-up call for His people (1:6-11).

The Believer’s Bigger Burden (Hab. 1:12-2:1)

  • Whenever we oppose God’s plan, we pridefully assume that we could do His job better than He can (1:12).
  • If God allows the wicked to flourish temporarily, can we accept that He is somehow accomplishing a greater plan (1:13-2:1)


  • It’s telling that we want God to oppose everyone’s sinful decisions except for our own.
  • God’s magnificent plan to rescue might include a burdensome time of waiting.
  • We often question why God let things happen when we should entertain the thought of why He sometimes makes it happen.
  • God is not responsible for anyone’s sin, but He can even use unnecessary evil for a greater good.
  • If God’s plan doesn’t make sense, I have to trust that I can’t see its entirety just yet

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