This Is The House That God Built

David wanted to honor God by building him a house, but God had a greater house of which David could never build. The greatest work of our lives will not be what we do for God but what God has done for us.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
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God's Will

This Is The House That God Built

David wanted to honor God by building him a house, but God had a greater house of which David could never build. The greatest work of our lives will not be what we do for God but what God has done for us.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
2 Samuel 7

This Is the House That God Built (2 Sam. 7)

  • David wanted to honor God by building him a house, but God had a greater house of which David could never build.
  • The greatest work of our lives will not be what we do for God but what God has done for us.

The King’s Plan (2 Sam. 7:1-7)

  • A dream for God and a dream from God are both noble, but only one should be carried out.
  • God is not mandated to act upon our most brilliant plans.
  • God’s presence is not restricted to a place but reserved for a people (vv. 5-7, 9).

The LORD’s Promise (2 Sam. 7:8-17)

  • God’s grace is never contingent upon our works.
  • Even death (vv. 12-13), sin (vv.14-15), and time (v. 16) cannot deter God’s promises.
  • The Davidic covenant promises a forever-reigning king who would come from this family.

The Worshiper’s Prayer (2 Sam. 7:18-29)

  • The only proper response to the LORD’s unstoppable promises is unhindered praise.
  • God rescues us from our bondage to reclaim us for his possession.
  • The surest of prayers are those founded in God’s promises.

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God's Will

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