Transitions: The Unsure Direction

We all experience moments of transition with decisions we make or situations beyond our control. How do you determine your path when you are unsure of God’s direction?
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
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God's Will

Transitions: The Unsure Direction

We all experience moments of transition with decisions we make or situations beyond our control. How do you determine your path when you are unsure of God’s direction?
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor

Your Situation

  • You are where you are based on the decisions you have made and the ones made around you.
  • Your current situation is formed by external circumstances, personal consequences, and God’s consistency.
    • Circumstances - You are not responsible for all of your circumstances, but you are accountable for how you handle them.
    • Consequences - Don’t blame God for allowing the consequences of which He warned you about.
    • Consistency - God’s consistency has grounded you more often than your inconsistency can even realize.

God’s Will

  • God wants you to know His will more than you want to know His will.
  • Each of us has an opinion regarding God’s will. Here are the common options:
    • Dreaded Will - If you think that God’s will for you would be a dreaded situation, you misunderstand His heart.
    • Drastic Will - If you think that God’s will for you will be a drastic revelation, you neglect His primary ways of direction.
    • Delightful Will - If you think that God’s will is the most delightful scenario, you will be eager to find it and follow it.

Sure Part

  • You find God’s will by doing God’s will.
  • Why would God give you a new assignment if you have not completed the ones He has already given you?
    • Saved - 1 Tim. 2:3-4
    • Sanctified - 1 Thess. 4:3
    • Spirit-Filled - Eph. 5:17-18
    • Suffering - 1 Pet. 3:17
    • Sacrificial - Rom. 12:1-2

Unsure Part

  1. Ambition - Why do you want to do what you want to do?
  2. Bible - Does the Bible encourage or discourage your intended direction?
  3. Counsel - How do Bible-saturated mentors think about your decision?

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