When God's Timing Is Frustrating

God promised Habakkuk that He would right all the wrongs done by their enemies, but the timing seemed delayed. A belief in God's sovereignty implies that we believe God does all things in the right way and at the right time.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
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God's Will

When God's Timing Is Frustrating

God promised Habakkuk that He would right all the wrongs done by their enemies, but the timing seemed delayed. A belief in God's sovereignty implies that we believe God does all things in the right way and at the right time.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
Habakkuk 2:1-20

5 Patient Resolutions (2:1-5)

#1. Listen (2:1)

  • A delayed word from the LORD is better than an immediate opinion from anyone else.

#2. Archive (2:2)

  • Recounting the works of God in the Word of God is essential for your faith enduring.

#3. Wait (2:3)

  • Even when God doesn’t meet your timetable, He has never once been late.

#4. Trust (2:4)

  • Righteousness can only be received by having faith in the truly Righteous One – Jesus (cf. Rom. 1:16-17).

#5. Rest (2:5)

  • Resting in God’s timing means fighting to avoid sinful shortcuts along the way.

5 Impatient Responses (2:6-20)

#1. Greed (2:6-8)

  • No matter how much stuff you acquire and how much debt you accumulate, this world’s treasures will never satisfy.

#2. Dishonesty (2:9-11)

  • If you build your security on dishonest methods, you forfeit your reputation.

#3. Exploitation (2:12-14)

  • It is challenging to impact a world if you benefit from its injustice.

#4. Drunkenness (2:15-17)

  • Being mastered by alcohol will always lead to progressive sin and shame.

#5. Idolatry (2:18-20)

  • Our lives will be soundtracked by the silence of our idols or the voice of our Maker.
  • If you are an unbeliever, you need faith for salvation.
  • If you are a believer, you need faith for sanctification.

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God's Will

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