There’s Not a Situation God Can’t Redeem

God reassured Moses that He would be able to redeem the people no matter how bad the opposition seemed to be. In the circumstances that impact our lives, we must remember that there’s not a situation God can’t redeem.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
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There’s Not a Situation God Can’t Redeem

God reassured Moses that He would be able to redeem the people no matter how bad the opposition seemed to be. In the circumstances that impact our lives, we must remember that there’s not a situation God can’t redeem.
February 26, 2023
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
Exodus 6:14–30


  • The only way they could get their mind off Pharaoh was by refocusing on God (6:2).
  • Rehearsing the biblical narrative was to reinforce that the LORD keeps His promises (6:3-4).
  • The Almighty God actually sees and cares about human suffering (6:5).
  • The LORD would rescue them to have a relationship with them (6:6-7).
  • God’s good plan offered a beautiful inheritance, but they needed to wait to experience it (6:8).
  • The people’s emotional brokenness and physical circumstances hindered them from believing God’s promises (6:9).
  • As God gave Moses His plan of deliverance, Moses couldn’t get past his own insecurities (6:10-13).


  • We shouldn’t belittle our opposition, but we must esteem our Deliverer.
  • The way to endure present hardships is by believing in future promises.
  • Relying on our strength should invite fear, but trusting in God should invigorate boldness.
  • God can make good out of it no matter how bad it is.

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