God's Will Over My Will

As Jesus prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane, He fully grasped the weight of His impending sacrifice. Aware of the severity of God’s wrath, He emulated the need for prioritizing God’s will over my will.
Jeremy Johns
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God's Will Over My Will

As Jesus prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane, He fully grasped the weight of His impending sacrifice. Aware of the severity of God’s wrath, He emulated the need for prioritizing God’s will over my will.
Jeremy Johns
Mark 14:26-42

Perspective of Jesus (14:26-28, 30)

  • Jesus’ perspective is always grounded in the Word of God.
  • Although our circumstances may look horrible at times, there is always hope with God.

Pride of Peter (14:29-31)

  • Peter displays pride and arrogance as he insistently tells Jesus what he will and will not do.
  • Pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall.
  • Jesus knows that Peter will deny Him and yet He has a constant love for Peter.

Passion of Jesus (14:32-36)

  • Jesus displays a great desire to pray and commune with the Father so that He is strengthened to do the Father’s will.
  • Jesus is greatly distressed and troubled, not because He is afraid to die, but because He knows the cup that God wants Him to drink.
  • The cup signified experiencing something to the fullest, and for Jesus, it meant the full divine wrath of God against sin.
  • Although Jesus wants the cup removed, if possible, He displays humility and submits to God’s will not His own will.

Prayerlessness of Peter (14:37-42)

  • The urgency of the situation should cause us to pray and not seek our own comforts.
  • In order to know and do God’s will, we must live by the Spirit and not the flesh.

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