Three Horrible Words to Say to Jesus

When a man brought his son to Jesus for deliverance, he uttered three words that should never be used to address the Christ. When we approach Jesus in our need, He deserves complete faith in His ability.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
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Three Horrible Words to Say to Jesus

When a man brought his son to Jesus for deliverance, he uttered three words that should never be used to address the Christ. When we approach Jesus in our need, He deserves complete faith in His ability.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
Mark 9:14-29

Lacking Power (Mark 9:14-18)

  • As some disciples struggled with Jesus’ purpose on the mountain, these struggled with his power in the valley.
  • Mere association with Jesus doesn’t guarantee access to His power.
  • Our failures not only damage our reputations but they can also tarnish others’ perception of Christ.

Struggling Faith (Mark 9:19-27)

  • Our lack of faith robs us of seeing Jesus work miraculously in our lives.
  • Three horrible words that you should never say to Jesus: if you can.
  • Even when your faith is underdeveloped, don’t allow it to be misdirected.

Neglecting Prayer (Mark 9:28-29)

  • Don’t neglect to seek from Jesus how you can learn from your spiritual failures.
  • We will always lose spiritual battles if we rest on previous accomplishments or personal abilities.
  • Depending on God through prayer reminds us that we are not in control.

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