If You Play with Fire, Someone's Gonna Get Burned

Jesus never reduced any sins to be allowed as acceptable in the life of His followers. Playing with sin has severe repercussions for our lives and great consequences for those closest to us.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
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If You Play with Fire, Someone's Gonna Get Burned

Jesus never reduced any sins to be allowed as acceptable in the life of His followers. Playing with sin has severe repercussions for our lives and great consequences for those closest to us.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
Mark 9:42-50

Your Sin Affects Others’ Stability (Mark 9:42)

  • We all have some person who looks up to us and some sin that could bring him or her down.
  • A personal leaning towards a particular sin could cause a complete collapse in another.
  • It would be better for me to lose my physical life than for my example to cause another to endanger his spiritual life.

Your Sin Endangers Your Eternity (Mark 9:43-48)

  • What we do is often related to where we go, and where we go is often related to what we have seen.
  • If someone shows no sign of a fight with sin, it shows no indication of a relationship with Jesus.
  • Hell is the place of eternal suffering for those resolved to defiant disobedience.
  • Be willing to take drastic measures in order to combat habitual sins.

Your Sin Diminishes Your Credibility (Mark 9:49-50)

  • Fighting our sin is costly but refusing to fight will cost even more.
  • It’s better to burn in the fires of this world as an offering than burn in the fires of hell as a punishment.
  • Our personal examples should be stable and our covenantal relationships should be enduring.

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