Withholding Our Best

We tend to give our best to individuals and institutions while unfortunately offering God our leftovers. God is too glorious to present meager offerings before Him.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
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Withholding Our Best

We tend to give our best to individuals and institutions while unfortunately offering God our leftovers. God is too glorious to present meager offerings before Him.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
Malachi 1:6-14

4 Types of Gifts to the LORD

  1. Obligatory Exchange – Some attempt to give a thoughtless gift to God once they feel guilty about something He gave them.
  2. Frantic Purchase – Some throw a gift together for God because they are so busy with other priorities.
  3. Shiny Packaging – Some give the appearance of an expensive gift so that others can see it, but there is actually nothing of substance on the inside.
  4. Sincere Offering – Some offer God their best out of the overflow of what God has given them.

God’s Rebuke

  • Our religious problems all stem from the fact that God isn’t as important to us as He ought to be (1:6).
  • When we give others our best and God our leftovers, we prove what our priorities really are (1:7-8).
  • It is audacious to withhold our best from God and then attempt to brownnose Him into compliance (1:9).
  • God would rather shut the doors to worship instead of allowing mediocre devotion to Him (1:10).
  • The greatness of God will be proclaimed in the nations, but we are not guaranteed to be the megaphone (1:11).
  • God is more frustrated with your apathetic worship than you are bored with it (1:12-14).

Our Response

  • Stop giving your best to every other pursuit and offering your leftovers to God.
  • You have nothing with which to bribe God, so stop trying to make a deal with Him.
  • Allow God’s great gift for you to motivate your great offerings for Him.

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